
  • Once Upon A Hospital

    Welcome to a post-apocalyptic hospital. Save patients and join your teammates (OR NOT) to build up a healthy medical service against the aftermath of the pandemia outbreak... it turned out badly serious in this storyline. Controls [E] - Interact with action prompts [W A S D] - Move around [Mouse click] Primary action skill (Mole gun, Breach remote WORK IN PROGRESS: expect bugs, this is not a final version of the game. RECENT UPDATES>>> -Added clinical history taking, physical examination, diagnosis, and treatment menu when inspecting a patient. -Inventory system. UPCOMING UPDATES>>> -Making history taking ask the patient; physical examination tech-playing, diagnosis checkmarks and a working pharmacy to support the treatments. -ACTUALLY ADDING A MAIN STORY: first lobby is the Hospital, then unlock the OPEN WORLD. You can choose a variety of operator-specialists to be a cardiologist, neurologist, radiologist... ALL THE "-IST" and the most powerful medical intern.

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  • VHS

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  • Space Raiders

    A game about space... but... not any game?

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  • Glucose League

    Collect glucoses to synthetize Glycogen and fly around to dunk into Energy rims. Chapter 1: The Blood Stream

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  • Mars

    Chilling over here.

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  • SkateBros

    Version 0.85 | Froze Once again i'm back at here. Now i do understand that some things which made my life happy inb4, will make my life happier forever. -Bromeri (03/25/2022). Here is where i found my happiness. -Bromeri (07/19/2020). I would like return to this years of my life, i enjoyed it so much. -Bromeri. 04/29/2018. (This is not true) This game is in develop... Don't forgot check the game page for stay up-to-day. [INCOMING] - Competitive and skate clans. Completed 0% -Get a Manager Completed 15% [Updates] -HOLY MOLY GUYS, now u can do OLLIES and FLIPS while u are using the skateboard! -Skateboard skins available right now! get the needed money for buy skins in the shop and then use it in ur skateboard. [FIXED] -All current Ramps (more later I will make another ones) has been fixed, now are totally compatibles with

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  • Dead By Roblox (MOVED GAME READ DESC)

    Dead By Roblox is an asymmetrical multiplayer (4v1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and being caught, and sent back to the lobby, all while repairing generators so they can escape. DbR has been moved to this place: https://www.roblox.com/games/14904820737/Dead-by-Roblox Game as of now ONLY has mobile support for survivors. If you have any questions join our server.

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    MORDHAU is a melee game. Reworking so we can actually parry stabs lol. [Controls] Left Mouse Button - Strike Right Mouse Button - Parry Mouse Wheel Forward - Stab Q - Feint X - Flourish Left Control - Crouch You can defend a strike or stab (attack) by parrying. You can chamber a strike performing another strike, or a stab performing another stab. -Currently patching chambering issues. You can morph from strike to stab or vicersa. You can go straight from an attack to a parry. Each attack is followed by an action cooldown. [Rules] (credits to 1nterna1_B0t) No exploiting. No abusing bugs. No interrupting duels. No spawnkilling. Flourish to duel.

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  • PvP

    CONTROLS Tab - Build or Last item BUILDING KeyButtonOne - Barricade KeyButtonTwo - Stair KeyButtonThree - Floor COMBAT KeyButtonOne - First Slot KeyButtonTwo - Second Slot KeyButtonThree - Third Slot

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