
  • Evil Strawberry Icecream Cat

    defeat the Evil Strawberry Icecream Cat Right Mouse - Parry Left Shift - Dodge F - Punish R - Heal Red Attacks cannot be parried by normal means what's nine sols

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  • Rooms & Doors

    testing, work in progress updates and roadmap are in the game menu THANK YOU FOR 7 MILLION VISITS this rooms remake is designed to be more challenging! if you find it difficult, that's ok! just remember to have fun! (and get scared maybe) your first playthrough is automatically set to Solo (which i recommend), after this you load into the main menu

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  • midigame

    in testing turn midi into game

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  • The Mercenaries

    my test game for combat related scripts me or my friends made for fun once a player votes for a map the timer will start and the game begin currently: - 4 maps with silly evolving zombies - re5 (third person strategic) - doomguy (first person complex) - tf2 scout (first person simple) - roblox weapons the basis of the game is you kill as many zombie before time run out with some opportunities to extend the timer team killing is possible but not recommended as a player's death results in a penalty currently no instructions but you can try your best to figure out the key binds during the safe period

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  • enscrypted

    a non-profit inscryption fangame enjoy with 2 players (or by yourself) desktop, touchscreens, and VR supported there is now a server in social links keybind shortcuts (Q, E, Space, 12345678) updates and planned content are found in the server this game was made for community fun

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  • Playground for Spirits

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  • Island :3

    the musical instrument is now playable (this is a HANGOUT / TESTING place) basic commands (everyone can use) (/e compatible) /sit, /stand, /reset, /respawn /ps CODE (enter private server from anywhere) vip commands (for vip server owners) /kick PLAYER /shutdown

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  • Bloodmoon Aura

    This is similar (but not an exact replica) to Dead by Daylight. *The game is getting rewritten, expect no updates for now Skillchecks: You will get a skillcheck, press Spacebar when the needle is in the zone. Click the generator button to get off the generator. Survivor Controls: Press SPACE while near Pallets to DROP Hold LCTRL to crouch Hold SHIFT and MOVE to do actions faster, such as vaulting and running. Click objects to interact. Killer Controls: Equip [Swing] to attack or pick up survivors. Press SPACE to vault windows or break pallets. Click Generators to break them. Audio Cues: Door Close - Someone Escaped. Heartbeat - Killer is close. Horn - Exit Gate is Open. Explosion - Someone Broke a Generator. Wind - Hatch is near. Cheating in competitive games are never tolerable! Abusing Exploits - Banned until Exploit Fixed Injecting Scripts - Permanent Ban Teaming - Permanent Ban Game Throwing - Score Deduction

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  • Happy Home in Robloxia

    My first ever game. ;)

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CJ4 has no creations.