
  • DragDetectors TestWorld 2

    This place contains of demos we used to prototype and test DragDetectors. Feel free to download, copy, edit, and play with them. Contains: -ParticleClickButton, PushButton & ToggleButton -ParticleLineSlider, PlaneSlider, & MinMaxSlider -DragSurfaceNormal_1D -ThrowIt -MoveToolViaDragDetectors -KnobsNonAnchoredGeometric -NestedRotations -CreateCubesAnchored & Unanchored -Marionettes -FollowTheCursorProjectorAnchored & Unanchored -Relative & WorldGrid Anchored & Unanchored -CircleConstraintAnchored & Unanchored -TwoConstraintsAnchored & Unanchored -AngleMinMax -FollowCursorAndConstrainToGridAnchored & Unanchored - RunLocally - 7 variations

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  • DragDetectors TestWorld 1

    This place contains demos that we used to prototype and test DragDetectors. Feel free to download, copy, edit, and play with them. A Quick Guide: 1A: SLIDE FREELY - Desk Drawers 1B: SLIDE w/Limits - Desk Drawers 1C: SLIDER LOCKS & UNLOCKS - Slider unlocks Drawers 2: PULL/RELEASE TO FIRE - Slider attached to spring 3A: MOVE IN PURPLE PLANE - Planar Line Editor 3B: Move in View Plane - Line Editor; points move in viewplane 4: Bowling! 5A: Turn All 3 Yellow Parts - nested rotations 5B: Wheel of Fortune - ask and spin! 6: Trackball Rotations 7: Drag Side to move in that side’s plane (2D) Hold <ctrl> to go Perpendicular (1D) 8: Freeform dragging → drag onto other objects. 9A: Constrained motion within circle 9B: Constrained motion to world grid.

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    Pile the parts in front of you into a taller pile than your competitors before the time runs out. NOTE: This is a pre-Alpha version. You can build piles, but the game does not yet measure results or show who won the game.

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