
  • Trouble Board Game

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  • ttr

    Very early alpha. Please report any bugs you may find. To do the most damage, use a water ability to "Soak the enemy, then use a lightning ability that will do double the damage.

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  • Sliding Block Game

    Click the New Game button to start a new game. Reset only works if you haven't finished the game or once you start a new one. The objective is to line up the blocks in order from smallest(top left) to largest(bottom right) with 1 blank space at the very end. If the blocks are shuffling around for a second, just wait, they are trying to find a permutation that is solvable.

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  • Blox of Legends Alpha V0.02

    UPDATES: 5/2/2018 - Added a basic party system(not fully functional) that allows you to invite any of your friends that are in game with you. How-to: Abilites - Q,W,E,R are the same for all champions. You will see a circle with the radius of the ability and your mouse must be in that radius to use the ability Camera - Press Y to unlock from character (TODO: let it move around while unlocked) and press Y again to lock back on Move - To move just right click wherever you want your character to go. Additionally you can hold down the right mouse button to continue moving in that direction Champion Choices - ATM all champions are Cassiopeia, and the stats resemble her base stats. Movement speed will seem a little weird since it is the movement speed of the champions / 10 to adjust it to roblox scale.

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  • Skydive for points [v1.3.0]

    __________________________________________ Version: 1.3.0 I will be making a vip shirt so you can get into the freind only door. I might even make an ultimate vip so when you get in you can go into the owner only door up the lader in the vip room. I had to change the donate gui because it was broken. I've added an obby so you can get money. __________________________________________ Play my new Obby game and my new tycoon. They were both made from scratch, and remember I only free model if I absolutely have to. __________________________________________ If you like this game plase fave and comment.

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  • Minimap Test

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  • Blox of Legends Alpha V0.02

    UPDATES: 5/2/2018 - Added a basic party system(not fully functional) that allows you to invite any of your friends that are in game with you. How-to: Abilites - Q,W,E,R are the same for all champions. You will see a circle with the radius of the ability and your mouse must be in that radius to use the ability Camera - Press Y to unlock from character (TODO: let it move around while unlocked) and press Y again to lock back on Move - To move just right click wherever you want your character to go. Additionally you can hold down the right mouse button to continue moving in that direction Champion Choices - ATM all champions are Cassiopeia, and the stats resemble her base stats. Movement speed will seem a little weird since it is the movement speed of the champions / 10 to adjust it to roblox scale.

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  • Perlin Noise Terrain Generation

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