
  • sike's workspace.

    This is not a game, it's just a place where I put my ideas to the test. The only reason I keep this open is for people who want to know what I am up to.

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  • 50PM_R Testing

    Test for 50PM remake

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  • 50 Player Murder REMAKE

    Update! - Killfeed fixed! - Map1 is instantly loaded so you dont have to die to the void first. - Fixed delay on warning when a player buys a gun! - Guns sometimes not giving KOs fixed! (hopefully) Thank you RayAurus! Classic Revolver and Knife game. Get KOs and earn powerful guns as you fight through various classic maps. Join the fan group!: https://www.roblox.com/groups/1196462/50-Player-Murder-Fans#!/about If you don't know, 50 Player Murder was a classic gun game back in 2013 all the way to 2018, where it would break due to roblox updates. The creator gave me the game and now it's back! CFrame (somewhat) animations broke 9/27/23 Invite some friends over! Seriously it can get chaotic here.

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  • Gun Game

    Version 3.9.8 dead game, sorry for everything. Animations, Guns, Scripting - sike1921 (Me) Most Maps - andre3to andre3to's group!: https://www.roblox.com/groups/5922791/DynamoStudios#!/about Server shutdown = Game update! Played by: -GDILIVES (played V1.5) -Bandites (Played V2.0) When you spawn, you get a melee weapon, shotgun, primary, secondary in that order, but the guns you get will be random! If you enjoyed playing this game then show your appreciation by leaving a like!

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  • [nevermind still broken :/] Capture The Flag

    Capture The Flag. That ez. broken the og of all ogs.

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sike1921 has no creations.