
  • STACK.

    Work together with your fellow players to stack your characters to reach the goal. Only one player needs to touch the goal for the WHOLE server to obtain the badge, respective to the number of players in the server. EVERY player in the server will need to be in the stack in order for the goal to be reached. The player on top WILL need to jump to reach the goal. The game doesn't begin until the server has AT LEAST 6 players. You CANNOT obtain the badges in a private server. Is this the most frustrating Roblox game ever made? Possibly. Enjoy! Thanks to @Stickmasterluke for the fireworks, there's no way I could have programmed them.

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  • Doomspire Brickbattle: 200 PLAYER SERVERS

    Play the beloved Doomspire Brickbattle but now with up to 199 other players! Core gameplay is identical to the original game. This game can become quite laggy. ALL ITEMS YOU BUY STILL GOES TO 'Temple of Doomspire'!

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  • WAIT (WIP)

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