
  • Project Zombie - Hey look, I updated and fixed it!

    Yup, everything works now. It's still not a great, immerse game yet, but hey, it all works! I might remake the whole game with my new knowledge, but there other things I need to work on and finish first.

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  • Everything testing place

    Will not open due to special stuff inside, If you want a model, example, script, etc., message me.

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  • Plane Destroyer - Working on planes/Need Ideas

    If you have any ideas, send me a PM! I'm only one person, and therefore have a limited imagination, so, while I'm still building, ideas would be great! I currently need an idea for the point system and how to use it, and if any of you have some kind of suggestion or idea, I'd love to hear it. What I have so far goes something like: Some parts of the point system will be saved, some stuff won't. Like I might make a point stat called Upgrade Points or Perm Points, which you can save even after you leave. I'm definitely thinking about using points for Rocket Launcher and Time Bomb upgrades, maybe even plane and turret upgrades. There will be team upgrades too, which brings up the point if I should turn this into a Team Death Match with changing maps, or a constant battle you can just jump into as soon as you join the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The debug/fun tools are still there for you guys to play around with =D

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  • Project RTS-T T ~Fixed~

    Went through and fixed little errors. Another one of those completely home made scratch scripting projects. This one is going very well, its a challenge for my BodyVelocity and BodyGyro skills. Nothing was free modelled and everything was scripted by me. ~ Stands for Real Time Strategy-Tool Tank. Yeah, I'm trying it out. If it turns out well, I may make a little game out of it. Do not expect perfect stuff.

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  • Project AI-PF (Broken)

    Used a LOT of string manipulation. Like, it got realllly messy. I could VERY easily remake this with nice clean code, but I might not. If I think of any good implications, I might.

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  • Dont Push That Button (Broken)

    Currently Broken It was always broken though :P I could... fix it... but I probably won't. If I even attempt to fix it, I will almost certainly go overboard to make it better to the best of my ability, so I won't even bother. For now, at least.

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  • Drones (WIP/Currently on the backburner)

    Drones. FPS, but with little flying robots that shoot for you. TDM, Search and Destroy, Domination, all kinds of game modes and all kinds of maps. Rank up and earn credits to buy new drones. Currently WIP. Will finish after Plane Destroyer!

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  • Zombie Creations

    This place is currently hosting my zombie creations. I currently have the Barricade and Waypoint system running here. It's awesome.

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  • Body Force Testing Etc.

    Currently Testing: Point Of Collision Prediction What it means: I can predict where two objects would collide moving at certain speeds at certain points at certain directions, which means I could launch a projectile to hit a constantly moving object without having the projectile be homing. It's like making the computer be able to hit a moving target. It's way more complicated than it sounds. Trust me.

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blooo127127 has no creations.