
  • ★ Blox ★

    Buy the promo shirt here: http://www.roblox.com/--item?id=297713696 Silly themepark-like game with lots of different obstacles and challanges. Now trying to make the theme fit with the upcoming bloxtober.

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  • ★ Icecrown Citadel ★

    Invincible was the steed of Arthas Menethil, both in life and death. He was the skeletal steed that Arthas rode throughout Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Invincible was born to the mare Brightmane on the Balnir Farmstead in Tirisfal Glades, in the winter of the year Stormwind fell. Prince Arthas, then nine years old, was present when he was born, and was given the horse by the Balnir family, who bred horses used by the royal family. The horse had a white coat, different from the usual Balnir stock, which normally had gray coats. Arthas had considered naming the horse "Snowfall" or "Starlight", but in the informal tradition of Lordaeron knights and nobles naming their steeds after a quality (Uther's was "Steadfast", King Terenas' "Courageous"), he named the colt "Invincible". Ten years later in winter, before Arthas was inducted into the Knights of the Silver Hand, Arthas' exertion in the numbing cold resulted in a crippling injury to his beloved

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  • ★ Lost Vikings ★

    Hardest game on Roblox.

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  • Doomspire Brickbattle

    NEW GAME PASSES!! (I am trying to fix the bug that makes you naked) Classic team battle! Towers regenerate every 200 seconds, VIP is under game passes. Fight endless waves while conquering the bases of your foes. Destroy the other teams doomspires or paint them in your own colors to earn points! Teamkilling is not possible so try teamwork instead. May the odds be in your favor.

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  • WAR! Bunker Tycoon

    We are at a state of war!!

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