
  • Welcome to the Rapture

    [WORK IN PROGRESS] Secret code: mHBGGuk Nobody knows what happened, literally nobody. Some of us paid attention to the news and could see something on the horizon, but none of us know exactly what and why. China just went quiet, along with Russia, the rest of Europe. The power started shutting off, riots started happening, and then just everything stopped. We were left alone in a dead nation. The people who brought us into this world and did their best to protect us, soon started to claw and gnaw at our defenseless selves. Many of us perished in the first months. But as time went on we learned, we adapted to this world. We fought back against the monsters that raided us and we established communities to care and protect each other. One of these little strings of communities is based in the Greenflower area in Northern Washington. A small little locale surrounded by snow and mountains, along with bustling towns of surviving children.

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