
  • Medieval Clash Original Ressurected

    Scripted by Mikesly!: Anti Team kill, Timer that kills players when round time is over [UPDATE]: Map shorter in length and width, Removed old animations out of popular demand. Added the crates and small hill from the original medieval clash. WARNING!: Don't touch the doors of the bases if your inside the base when a round is in progress! It will kill you when the round ends! This game was Originally created by Stickmasterluke but was deleted with the coming of the new medieval clash around 2010. The idea of this game is based off medieval clash but the map is a little different. and is a work in progress! Features: Kohls admin (only for people I select) Anti TK NOTE: I'm not going to kick people for Mouse locking and Moon walking! Other admins may choose to though, be forewarned! Admins: Roaxes:(Owner), HarryG, Joedragon351/demonicelite, Mikesly, Outlawjp *others may be picked later*

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  • The Valley Of Swords

    The HIDE for the music is in the Hint. Updates in the future: Snow moutain and underground area, blocks for players to build with. Monstahs For now its only a musket/sword fight game. Musket- Used for long range attacks and has a chance of either half damage or instant kill. Long reload time and very inaccurate though so Its suggested for short to medium range. Sword- Great weapon against muskets flaws, Works just like anyother sword. Only free models: The musket and the linked sword. Kohls Commands *unless you include leaderboard and spawns* Gameheros MIDI player They say there's secrets....

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  • Roaxism Arena


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  • Nostalgia: Chao Garden

    This has been reopened due to a request. This will NOT be updated so don't request chao. I opened this purely for people to get the idea of how ROBLOX chao gardens work for anyone who wants to open theirs. Chao studios *Roaxes, calum, charlieflap* Started in 2008 on roblox Free models in game- The Chao TV, GameHeros MIDI player, Any weapons in commands , And of course admin commands themselves. Everything else here is fully made by me.

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  • Pilgrim islands

    Fan game of OfficerTom, I feel this game is complete so im not going to do ANYTHING with it anymore infact some day may replace it. Its been up for a year now! Free models: Muskets, Boats, Givers, KillBots.

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