
  • The Box

    There's no escape.

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  • Stunt School

    Yeah, I know that everything is catastrophically broken. No, I'm not gonna fix it. Oh, look- Another game where I used RikOne2's Enjin motorcycles... (Why wouldn't I? They're awesome!) Press W+Q, or S+Q for some Illuminati tricks. New 2016 Koutas will be implemented when I have time/stop being lazy. Got a comment/suggestion/criticism? PM me, because ROBLOX has decided to stop allowing comments on games. :/ This was never meant to be a public game, I merely made this to test a few bikes and then forgot to make it inactive. People seemed to like it, so...

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  • Grom Racing!

    Gotta go fast! Or, at least as fast as a Grom can go... I know the guardrails have a habit of trapping bikes, but I'm too lazy to fix it, so... Deal with it, and maybe try to NOT crash. All credit for the models go to their owners... Mainly RikOne2

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