
  • Industrialist Breakthrough

    What happened to the game? Basically I failed to motivate my self to update the game. In a couple of years later in life where I have most likely established a community on steam. I failed to keep an active player base, I also failed to stay active with the community which led to the game dying. The story: The game started on another account back in 2018 January and was very experienced in coding at that point when he made a replica of the newest miners haven which no other modded haven has ever done before in the history, then the owner decided to make a new user called OfficalModded and uploaded the game there. Then we released slots, then the game skyrocketed to the top. But one-day Berezaa made it open source so the game wasn't special anymore, hopefully, one day we can achieve the goal again. Copyright (c) 2019 Andrew Bereza The orginal game : https://www.roblox.com/games/258258996/Miners-Haven

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