
  • Why is this place still up?

    To answer that question, neither do I know. Also, if you haven't noticed, please don't play this game.

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  • Test Room

    The first Shell test room for Blast to the Past. These models were made when I was really.... REALLY bad at building, so they look really weird. The other two games of the shell model test Trilogy is on my profile, but I'd highly recommend to not play any of them, and if you had to play one, go play the 2nd one. This game, along with the rest of the games, are only up for the sake of looking at cut content for Blast to the Past, and for a look at my earlier days of studio.

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  • The Shell Testing Room

    This is the 3rd and final Shell Test Room in the Shell Testing Room trilogy. These models are still really.... REALLY bad, but like last time, I can't recommend anyone playing these games. They are really old models and they were made when I had no skill. If you want to see more better models, go to my Whistle game instead. Once again, the Shell Test Room trilogy is only up and playable for the sake of seeing cut content from Blast to the Past, and for having a view of my stuff from Studio in my early Studio Days.

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  • Shell Testing Room

    The 2nd Shell Testing Room game in the Shell Test Room trilogy. In my opinion, this game has the best models out of the three, but they still are not good at all. Like last time, this game is not worth playing, these models were made when I was really.... REALLY bad at building. I'm only keeping the trilogy up for the sake of looking at cut content from Blast to the Past and just for my earlier days.

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  • A Roblox Quest: Elements Of Robloxia (A Gift)

    This is a gift for a friend of mine. His name shortened is Astro.

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  • Maze

    Old description: Maze Testing Zone for Halloween Throwback. This game is a bit old, and I most likely won't be updating it anymore. It was mean as an entry for Halloween Terrifying throwback, which got delayed. Don't expect it to be perfect, as this game is a bit old as stated before.

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  • Castle Mania

    This game is now used for Events. This game isn't supposed to be good. It's just a free model from one of my friends who has now changed their username to Szcuba.

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  • My old Happy Home

    This was where once I had lived in ROBLOX, or maybe even most of Robloxians have once lived at. This home had been abandoned due to the fact of my original account being lost in the world of ROBLOX. This is my very old ROBLOX home with memories.... take a look if you'd insist.... It's free! :D

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  • The Spaceship

    This area took me a few hours to build, but it was mainly the extensions. This game is meant to be some sort of hub/lobby for my friends and I for our Adventures that we will go on throughout time. Some areas are only accessible if I (Glitchernothackr, the creator of this game) am in it. Either way, the game is mostly meant for my friends and I.

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  • The Glitcher Show!

    Welcome to The Glitcher Show! Here, I will be hosting Talk Shows and Game shows and have random people that come during these shows be brought up on stage!

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  • enty poimt notewroity amd parydaay 1 ad 2 rlodded!

    dios gane uis a remamakne yuf eny poipant noteprity amdnk paydaiuy 1 aned 2 and it hbas sgo mbany feturees likee mor enimie nee wepoms amnd bettr mamps!1!!!!11

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  • The Chaps' Pathway Chart Obby!

    Welcome to the Pathway Chart Obby of the Chaps! You must face numerous challenges by walking to the end of each of them, while making sure that you don't die!

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Glitchernothackr has no creations.