
  • Ca'sahl Shi Xoulor (Cave of The Eternal Winter)

    Far away, north; a relic of a time long forgotten, when the mighty Korblox Empire roamed freely over the lands, stands. This edifice is foretold to host one of the most sacred artifacts of the Korbloxian Era; the Skull of Kha'lban (Kh'alban Shi Zezsc, in Korbloxian dialect). The skull is the last that remains of the dreadful Korbloxian-mage, Kha'lban, and is believed to hold immense power that would play a vital role in bringing "The Eternal Winter" to all of ROBLOXia. This ancient place was rediscovered by the Korbloxian-Lord, Gha'ldor; who has taken it as his residence to practice dark ancient arts and in hope to finally unlock the skull's mystical powers.

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  • The Fountain of Youth

    When the moon is new and the ancient words, long lost by humanity, are spoken once again; the Fountain shall grant immortality to whom who drinks the water of life. In 1513, Juan Ponce de León went out on an expedition in search for the famous Fountain of Youth. After days of scouting the island, he proved successful in his search; as he came across the Fountain's lair hidden within the mossy mountain-ranges. He, along with a skeleton-crew of four loyal crew-mates, entered the cave. The rest of the crew remained on the ship. They waited for days for their admirable captain; who, along with his companions, never returned out of the dreadful cave. They sailed back to Spain; lamenting their captain, whose fate remained forever unknown.

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  • The 900 Manor

    A beautiful Manor-house. Step inside and have a look!

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