
  • [Pre-Alpha] ߡ Blitz ߡ

    ██ Blitz Blitz is your ultimate crossover of deathmatches - you have 60 seconds to explore a map, competing with other players to be the first to find various kinds of boosts. After those 60 seconds, you'll be given a randomly decided weapon - melee, ranged or even something else - and your aim is to simply be the last one standing. ██ Updates Blitz is nearing the end of it's core development! To give you the best experience possible, we're adding a few more maps, weapons and implementing the skill point system - once these have been added, the game will be released. ██ Team EmsyThorne - Building, Coding, GUI HotJazzCP - Building, Advertising sk3let0n - Building

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  • EmsyThorne's Place Number: 11

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  • Project Void

    Controls are as follows: Q - Opens Quest Log E - Opens Inventory R - Sprint (Hold) Shift - MouseLock (Only possible when weapon is equipped) Z - Equipped primary weapon Credits: Building - aeiouy23 & YuukiKokoro Scripting/ UI / Map Layout - EmsyThorne Thumbnail / Game Icon - dynamo345 Plan for Dev stages: The basic scripts and building will take place in the Pre-Alpha stage. The game will be playable by the end of this stage. Once it is playable, Alpha testing will commence with a select few Builders Club members who will be paid for feedback. When improvements have been made, Paid Beta testing will commence for a short period of time before the full release.

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  • Void RPG

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