
  • Blackout *Read Description*

    .:GUESS WHAT:. So, This project hasn't been worked on for a while, and I've decided that maybe I should try to get back into building things for Roblox. I'll start with this project here. My plans for this project is for it not to be a huge scale game but instead be a build project, meaning ill work with a small area of the game rather than try to use the entire game. What this means is that most of the map WILL be scrapped, or at least saved and then scrapped. I want to make it so it won't be too overwhelming, and that I can put a lot of detail in one area.

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  • Base Tera (Read Description)

    Well, It's been two years since I have been on this base, time for some updating and fixing. The Story of this here Base = http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=143157956

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  • aaronpmfrost's Place Number: 23

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Willow98Frost has no creations.