
  • Legendary: The Forsaken Shore

    ⚔️ Welcome to Legendary! A fantasy combat game featuring a rich combat system and intense PvP and PvE battles! 🗡8-Player PvP Battles! ☠ Party up with friends in 4-Player Co-Op! 🗝 Hundreds of items to collect! ⚒ Master an exciting combat system that allows you to dodge, block, parry, and dual wield any two weapons in the game! 🎮 Play on Xbox One and PC! Update Changelog: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/legendary-the-forsaken-shore-changelog/121448

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  • Wizard Cats 😺

    🔥 Step in to the Wizard Cat Arena! Wizard Cats is a 50-player Battle Royale twin-stick shooter! 😺 Become a cute and powerful Wizard Cat and cause kitty chaos! 🙀 Bring your friends and party up to play together! 😼 Collect powerful spells to take down your feline foes! 👑 Do whatever it takes to be the Last Cat Standing! ✨ Collect hundreds of items and decorate your cat as you play! 👍 Please leave a like if you enjoy the game so others can find it!

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  • Framed!

    Hunt down and kill your target while staying out of sight of the law in this classic action-packed spy FPS. Earn the respect of the mysterious PHARO corporation by eliminating the other spies and escaping the scene with your life! 💰 Press F to open the ingame points shop and trade in your kills for better weapons! 👍 Remember to leave a like if you enjoy the game! 💬 Join the community server for chat and updates!

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