
  • Faster Than Light

    Going that fast, its oblivion, seriously, but in theory, that would be time travel. O.O Why don't we see what happens when you go THAT FAST.

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  • The Journey to Cloud Valley Temple

    Truly an audio/visual experience you can not miss. Game description: You are on a quest to find Cloud Valley Temple, a legendary Buddhist monastery where Venerable Zaijian Rinpoche is said to live. Venerable Zaijian Rinpoche is said to be an ex-samurai warrior who is now a monastic with very great wisdom... and special powers. Legend has it that he can levitate and create fire with just merely his mind. But can he actually do such things? You must trek through rivers, caves, mountains, and even face mighty yetis and other creatures along the way to Cloud Valley Mountain. Can you survive to tell the tale? ----- Not completed yet. But still great to play now. Does everything work alright? Ideas? Suggestions? Throw a PM my way.

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