
  • Black Mesa

    Recently Roblox has decided we should get nothing for place visits. The only way I could make any income from this now is to make it paid access or require a game pass in some form. I will not being doing that to this (or any) of my games. I want this to be free for all to play. However this also means since I am earning nothing from this chances are I will not work on this or any other Roblox project for that matter. I have recently made some progress with AI and a bunch of stuff like the save/load system and chats that randomly broke seem to have randomly started working again (yay). Unfortunately what you see now will likely not progress very much. I will try to find time to occasionally work on this. If you would like to contribute to this project (I primarily need scripting help) shoot me a message and we'll see if anything I need done suits you. I'd love to fix the monorail's jerky movement and improve the lighting. If you're just a regular player please leave a comm

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  • AI Testing

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  • Port -insert cool sounding name here-

    So, after recreating an old ship of mine and it turning out rather well, I decided to recreate the entire place it was from. Once again I think its turned out rather well. There are probably those of you out there looking at this and thinking "Below, a lot of these buildings are the same and even some of the different ones look like simple edits". Well, to you good people I have two things to say. Firstly, stop being an overcritical -censorship-. And secondly, I'm just lazy. I plan to eventually add some more minor detail. The only big changes I would like to make is add an actual garden to the back of the mansion and create unique interiors for each building. Heh, maybe one day eh? Original Place http://www.roblox.com/Port-Cadiz-Pirates-hideout-place?id=27949152 New Ship http://www.roblox.com/Ship-item?id=196174899 Original Ship http://www.roblox.com/H-M-S-Bluewing-Updated-item?id=87354846

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  • Port Cadiz, Pirates hideout

    Here you can fight or RP as pirates, soldiers or what ever fits well. In any case, what ever you do here, have fun.

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  • Zombie survival shopping mall *Updates*

    I believe I've made much better games, but this seems to be getting a lot more visits than anything else I've made. So, because of that, I'm going to actually updates this game bit by bit. Considering theres several years of building experience between when this was made and now, then the updates will be pretty easy to spot.

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