
  • Cinemas (Actual Theaters)

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  • LimeLight Cinemas Showcase (In Development)

    Development for this started in the beginning of January/End of December. Main focus right now is adding in more detail and content. I hope you enjoy testing this! It's a work in progress so don't be shy to PM me with a comment or suggestion. Also TURN GRAPHICS TO 10 (Recommended for full experience) (PLEASE REPORT ALL CLIPPING OF PARTS) [Updates] Working On Actual Theaters Bathroom Sinks are Finished with Detail Second Floor Ladder Access Updates to main lobby Door stoppers in place Doors to Arcade [Upcoming Features] Movie Signs Seating Popcorn, Soda Tickets Doors to Ticket Booth This is a work in progress and is being worked on by BroadOne. Credit to AvalonIndustires for tutoring with some scripting, Alien Invader Couches, and Arcade machines. Credit to Rylock for lettering. LimeLight: Intense white light obtained by heating a cylinder of lime, formerly used in theaters.

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