

  • Official Imagination Tech Computer Core - Free to

    Welcome To Imagination Tech Computer Core, Depth underground, A Reactor Generating the facility, Hundreds Computers, Processors, and Servers. As Main DataBase of Imagination Tech Research Projects, Data from all universe is stored here...Here are also built a couple spaceships, and some labs...Facility got an extremely advanced security system, that could hopefully, prevent any Nuclear Disasters...But that was never veryfied. As we are in the 2600's, and this facility was built in the 2200's, it is the oldest Imagination Tech Structure still standing and operational .W.I.C.K.E.D. Is Good Official Free to take version by SahirieKV's Alt. For proof, please go to: http://www.roblox.com/Imagination-Tech-Computer-Core-place?id=166999107 and read the desc. No credits required. Owners of copies have all rights on their copy.

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