
  • Redcliff Memorial

    Within the Redcliff Kingdom lies a tomb underground. Enshrined in this tomb are the oldest Commanders in Redcliff's history. Here, the founders of the mighty Order and the legends that built up the kingdom in its early days slumber.

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  • Redcliff Elite Kongmander

    He has no style He has no grace This Kong will end The Human race

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  • The Watcher

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  • NPC Animations Test

    Run with EVERYBODY.

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  • Building & Showcasing

    I test things here, do some stuff, watch ROBLOX break it. You know, the norm.

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  • Forest


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  • Knights of Redcliff Official Guide

    UPDATE; The Redcliff Guide can now be found on the DevFoums! Read it here; https://devforum.roblox.com/t/the-knights-of-redcliff-official-guide/381922 It's literally just the Redcliff Guide in game format, don't expect anything fancy. Link to the group; https://www.roblox.com/Groups/Group.aspx?gid=271454

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  • Project Redcliff

    An abandoned project I had started in 2013, and never finished. Opening it to the general public so people can see what it was going to be.

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  • Climb The Ladder

    Climb the ladder

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  • Seventh Sanctum Package Idea Showcase

    Model here: https://www.roblox.com/library/159827450/Emerald-Knight-of-the-Seventh-Sanctum

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  • Redcliff Monument

    In the year 1324 I.R., The mighty Knight Xargas and the Knights of Redcliff freed a city from the clutches of the Korbloxian Hordes. Afterwards, the people of the city began to build a massive statue to honor the Knights and to forever remind all of what they had done for them. The people of the city shut out the outside world and began to work. They did nothing else but build it. Years went by and the next generation continued what their fathers left off. Eventually, after many many years, the statue was finished. However, the people and the city were gone. All that remained were the ruins of the city and the statue: A token of thanks to the Mighty Knights of Redcliff from a people long forgotten.

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  • Knights of Redcliff: Outpost Valor

    Back in the year 1324 I.R., the mighty Knight Xargas had several small forts and outposts built near the borders of the land. These forts and outposts served as a barrier to keep Canavus and his Korbloxian hordes at bay and prevent them from invading. After Canavus and his hordes were driven away from the land, these forts were still maintained and kept in good shape for the eventual return of the Korbloxians. Now, in 1543 I.R. the Korbloxians are back, and Outpost Valor serves as one of the battlefields on the front lines to keep them at bay!

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  • Redcliff Siege Training

    Smaller version of the original Siege Training. The rules are simple: 1. Try not to complain. Instead, try to find a way around whatever frustrates you. 2. Stay around your respective spawns until the trainer begins. 3. Defenders, stay in and on the building. If you attempt to leave, you will be KO'd by a script. 4. Try to always be civil. This is a game, your performance comes second to that.

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  • Seventh Sanctum Capture the Flag

    Deep underground, far lower than any living being has traveled before, the Emerald Knights of the Seventh Sanctum are stirring. These ancient caverns, where the Emerald Knights harvest the emeralds to craft their weapons, serve to train them, honing their deadly skills in preparation for when they have need to restore the Balance to the world. Rules: 1. No spawnkilling. 2. No deliberate Teamkilling. 3. Do not backtalk the trainer. 4. Stay at your spawns until the trainer starts the round. Team flags are a little left to the spawns.

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  • Allied Meeting Room

    Hidden away deep in the Kingdom of Redcliff, the Wind Walker comes here to meet and discuss various topics concerning the Knights of Redcliff with his trusted advisers. It also a place for the allied leaders to meet and discuss many important topics.

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