
  • Grand Theft Auto 5 [Updates Starting]

    Rob a Bank for cash! PLAY THIS : http://www.roblox.com/SWIFT-NEW-place?id=71464879 Updates coming loud and hard. !

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  • Summer Mansion Vacation

    THUMBS UP The thumbs down were when the game broke and was not playable!! ITS FIXED!!! Play this epic Sword Fighting game: http://www.roblox.com/SWIFT-BETA-place?id=71464879

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  • ~Cops vs Robbers~

    Rob a Bank for cash! VIP : http://www.roblox.com/Cops-VS-Robbers-VIP-item?id=80831623 BC Version http://www.roblox.com/Cops-VS-Robbers-BC-place?id=37097222 SHANKSstr8up and TheTornado originally built this game and originally TheTornado ran it but now he cleared it to make room for his new creations! So now I am in control! The Next update : FIX auto regen on cars make it so Police can't rob the bank but they get a paycheck every so often instead and add a teamkill script!

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  • ~Bounty Hunter~

    The point of the game is to hunt down your specified target and take him out and when you kill your target you earn cash to spend on upgraded items! Right now this is in its classic form and I take no CREDIT for it but I am officially upgrading it to fit the standards of these times! I am talking updated guns and maps! WOOT! I TAKE NO CREDIT!

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