
  • ReStart

    "ReStart" aka "Fresh Start" aka "Start From Scratch"

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  • Ghost Game

    normal people with guns vs 1 ghost with a sword

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  • Start

    ACCESS GROUP: https://www.roblox.com/groups/33060012/Start-Mumbo#!/about M1 is attack M2 is feint, cancels attacks but has a cooldown F is parry, can be held to make it a moment longer, increasing its cooldown slightly R is heavy attack (can be used while stunned from being hit, but more punishing if it is blocked using the F button) Starting an attack, the moment another attack is about to hit you, blocks that attack Q is dash (can be used while on cooldown to do a weak dash) Press V over a knocked body to carry it Hit a knocked player once to start their death countdown M is menu (lets you change some controls)

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