
  • Justice Sufferpoop's Office

    Justice Sufferpoop has served on the US Supreme Court since May 17th, 2015 and served as NUSA's Chief Justice from July 1st, 2015 - December 14th, 2015. Justice Sufferpoop was nominated by President Lumidas to the Supreme Court where he was confirmed 13-1 for the position, he was confirmed for Chief Justice by a vote of 11-1. Justice Sufferpoop is a member of the courts conservative block but often is the swing vote on major political legislation. Justice Sufferpoop is a champion of bi-partisanship and often works across the isle to the liberal block to get things through the court. He previously served on the US Supreme Court from September 30th, 2014 to December 18th, 2014. Justice Sufferpoop previously had a long career in the US Senate serving 3 terms in the Senate and served in every leadership position.

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