
  • Welcome to My Profile!

    I am Agentx. I have developed over the past 4-5 years a great roleplaying story with all the people I have met. As time goes, I look back at what has happened, and look at how this roleplay helped me go through the toughest of times, as well as looking at the fun and joy I had with Reno, Pwow, and Cam, but now, the great roleplay known as SoulBound has now ended, and the adventurer moves onto greater plains known as reality. Someday he may be back. Who knows. Best friends:Drakath304(Reno),pwow(as himself),Camanderwolf(Wolf).RP Characters:Zero,Shade,Ford,Jericho,Devias/Anima, Misc. Karok, Uvani, Elena, Lancer Zero, Savior(Reaper), Neqak, Akata, Terra, Nami, Alander, Xera, Scratch, and Myself.

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  • Enthosia:Expanded

    An expansion of Enthosia for the Private Roleplay SBRP.

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  • Guardia:Expanded

    The world of Guardia is opening up to the folks of SB now! If you have any ideas, throw 'em at me in a PM or make an example model, or even a model for this place.

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  • -=Myth of the Frost Agent=-

    A code was formed, the code was lost and gone. The code was found, the truth did dawn. When it showed, it was not understood, but feared. The code then, once again, disappeared. It will rise once again, after many years has passed, and someone will find out the truth of it at last. The path will be difficult, as there are many tests, but the truth at the end will be addressed. ----- I made this game to be difficult, and no, it's not some obby game where you get face changers, paths, and all sorts of cheap gimmics. If you come to play this, you come to learn. I didn't make this game for people to flock into it, it's simply about my time on roblox.

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  • Engimia:Expanded

    Expansion map of Engimia for the Private Roleplay DVRP.

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agentx111 has no creations.