
  • Wendy's

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  • Norcross School Bus Roleplay

    > About Norcross Norcross started as just an idea that I had for me and some of my friends to enjoy after school. We'd arrive home and about an hour after everyone was home we'd play the game for about an hour. After a while, several of my friends moved on in life and we drifted away from the game. I sortof abandoned the game until I noticed about 20 people in it one day, and it was brought to my attention that people really love the game. Therefore, I allow the game to be open for friend groups just like mine. Thank you all for the constant suggestions and testimonies of your love regarding the game. ⚠️ SHUTDOWN = UPDATE DISCLAIMER: Some items from this game are implemented from the Roblox Studio toolbox.

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  • Deliverance Cathedral Church of God In Christ

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  • Hidden Hills Mansion Atlanta, GA

    —————— Welcome to the Hidden Hills Mansion in Atlanta This property was owned by the Diamond Blacks Realtor Company. On May 23rd this home was purchased and will now be used as the primary living space for my family. ——— In the event that the server is locked, we’re not allowing visitors to join us at the moment. Please respect our privacy and be understanding with us. Thank you in advance.

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MikeRB0 has no creations.