
  • Lyoine States.

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  • Downton Lyionne.

    [BRIEF HISTORY] (This is purely fictional, do not think its real) In the the pioneer days, people of the US started to head west for new land, In 1949, the "Gold Rush" occured and many people rushed to the west. In Nevada, Las Vegas is found. Up north, came the rich lands of the Lyoini Indians. And as a traveling family passes by, the Lyioni Indians offer help to the depserate family. As they settle down, they realise that the Lyoini lands are rich. They start building towns, as the Indians are now being accepted into the settlement. There, they found Lyionne City. To the west, is the estates, called Lyionne Estates. To the South, is Downtown Lyionne. A message to you griefers, you are really dumb. No, for real, plain stupid. There is a thing called "Revert History" where that 2 hours you wasted trying to destroy everything is now gone. Thank You. [Admins] Rrkrob2002, Gumball8462.

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