
  • BloxyLiminal♟

    WARNING! this game is just a test and is NOT THE FULL GAME therefore some of the features may be buggy This game is getting a revamp that will result in an age requirement due to mild violence! ❗BIG UPDATE COMING SOON❗ NEXT UPDATE WILL CONTAIN: -3X LARGER MAP -more CHALLENGES -more SECRET BADGES! ⚠ Health and safety: Epilepsy warning! Things to look forward to in the next few updates: -🧾 A story line -🎮 Basic tutorial at the start. -🔊 sound improvements and improved spatial sound. -📌 add many more stages with more tasks. -🦠 add more anti-lag features and squashing more bugs. Bug warnings: IF YOU SPAWN STUCK THEN RESET YOUR CHARACTER! This is a BETA game that is heavily inspired by Superliminal. Tags: BloxyLiminal, liminal, realism, explore, one player, beta

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