
  • Floating points

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  • Gr5 Testing grounds

    Official Goradiel RPG 5 Testing place G = Inventory F = Equip/Unequip Double click items in your inventory to use them or drag and drop them onto the hotbar

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  • Fighters

    Rules: (Moderators are free to kill, kick or ban you, if you perform any of the points below) -Teaming -Stalling -Glitching -Cheating -Excessive vulturing Production group: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1227688 ================ controls: draw weapon: f combo: mash left mouse button skills: 1,2,3,4 sprint: left shift => Limited Skins are not obtainable via keys update v4.1 -nerfed damage of rapiers lmbs & #3 -buffed damage & cooldown of gs #1 slightly -buffed bonus damage of dagger #3 -nerfed cooldown of bows #1 & #3 -fixed bows #3, #4 not working correctly update v4.1c -hotfix for broken ingame state

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  • Goradiel Rpg - 1 [OUTDATED]

    This is the first part of Goradiel Rpg. Since some updates in Roblox there are many bugs. I wont work on it anymore so please dont pm me c: You get 2 skill points every 10 levels

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  • Goradiel-Rpg 2 [OUTDATED]

    Join the official Goradiel-Rpg 2 Fan Group: http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=601308. VIP: http://www.roblox.com/Goradiel-Rpg-2-Vip-Shirt-item?id=82187270. -- If you see someone hacking write me a pm like this: Example: Subject: 'Hacker report: "Player1234"' Message: "He spawned cars and ufos" -- Monster suggestion: Example: Subject: 'Monster suggestion: "Waffle-Monster" (Idea by Player1234)' Message: 'Class: Knight Weapon: Waffle-Sword Level: 10 Health: 1337 Damage: 1337' -- Weapon suggestion: Example: Subject: 'Weapon suggestion: "Waffle-Sword" (Idea by StinkinStink)' Message: 'It looks like: A waffle Damage: 137 Price: 1337 Class: Paladin' -- Skill suggestion: Example: Subject: 'Thunder (Idea by Hashiru)' Message: 'Class: Mage Damage: 25 per level Cooldown: 5 seconds Duration: None KnockBack: High Description: A Thunderbolt appears in front of you' -- I hope I will get messages from you :P Have fun! :D

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  • Goradiel Rpg - 3 [OUTDATED]

    Not for people under the age of 12 __ THE THIRD PART OF GORADIEL IS PUBLIC. Enjoy Credits: Creator- Hashiru Scripts- Hashiru Map- lordvaloth Custom Music- nathan121215 Weapons- Hashiru, momosumomo __ Updates (v.0.2.6) -New, improved shop. -Quest/Task System. -Dialogs with NPCs __ Updates (v.0.2.7) -Bluesteel -Bluesteel weapons and armor -Dark Steel -Flame weapons and armor __ Updates (v. -Shop shouldn't break anymore -Added Flame and Bluesteel Bow __ Updates (v.0.2.8) and (v. -Mage class -Hopefully fixed scythes -Buffed Def-Scale to 1.75 -Level Cap -Nerfed Def-Scale to 0.8 -Step sound __ Upcoming Updates (v.0.2.9) -New Magician Weapons

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  • Goradiel Rpg - 4 [Uncopylocked]

    Goradiel 4 is unplayable because of it's very outdated scripts. The current version does in no way work with Filtering Enabled, due to the amount of time it would cost to fix it I decided to make it uncopylocked so everyone can try to fix it for themselves. I would appreciate if you'd give credit and maybe not fill it to the brim with microtransactions. I must warn you all to not reuse any of the scripts because they are extremely outdated and poorly written. I advice to only use the assets and to code the game from scratch.

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