
  • [CW] Boss Fighting Stages

    Await the remake of BFS! \\ARCADE FORCE & MASTER ARCADE FORCE REWARDS YOU AND RESETS WHEN THE EVENT ENDS// Skin Market for other gamepasses: https://www.roblox.com/games/6737752496/BFS-Market#!/store [Thank you for your patience, this game has been uncancelled, and the remake Draco Rock Uprising is in development again.] \\STATS&BADGES DO NOT SAVE IN VIP SERVERS// To stay tuned on updates and be a part of the community, join it by hitting the third icon below! Fan Group! https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2569446 Skin Template! https://www.roblox.com/Skin-Template-item?id=399340432 This is a boss fighting game on Roblox that's for the more experienced side of Roblox and is somewhat difficult for a change, if you don't like that this probably isn't for you. With that said: Welcome to BFS:Rebirth! Champions, Baller, Piercer, Slicer, Crusher, Game by Super Games dev SuperCloud9. Credit:TheSteelEagle,Nymint

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  • The Wraith: Retribution

    DISCLAIMER: THIS GAME IS VERY UNFINISHED AND IS IN A DEMO/FRAMEWORK LIKE STATE. EXPECT LACK OF CONTENT/BUGS BEFORE BUYING! https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=3492346 Retain body and spirit! The unrelenting wraith has you trapped in its ever-changing confines, and the only thing stopping him from taking you are your wits. Staying together or spreading out, the choices you make can determine life or death in the maze. The choice is yours! To stay tuned on updates and be a part of the community, follow @SupernalNine (twitter.com/SupernalNine) Check the pinned tweet! Game by SG Dev SupernalNine and asmanwoks.

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  • The Doom Wall 2: Burst

    THE DOOM WALL 3 IS IN DEVELOPMENT! The Doom Wall takes Flight and Bursts into action! (Looking for skilled map makers, send me a message!) PRESS Z TO SLIDE. Want to join the studio behind this game? https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1060034 Want to make custom foot binders for the game? https://www.roblox.com/library/504513843/Foot-Binder-Template Want to join the fan group? https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2928985 In The Doom Wall 2 Burst it's a frantic obby race to the end goal, with many obstacles in your path, one being "The Doom Wall' which will kill you if you're too slow! But don't fret, you have parkour skills and flying abilities to take these courses on! Game by Super Games Dev SupernalNine. Credit to TheSteelEagle,Films,Mustaccio

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  • A.G.A.G Online

    DISCLAIMER: THIS GAME IS VERY UNFINISHED AND IS IN A DEMO/FRAMEWORK LIKE STATE. EXPECT LACK OF CONTENT/BUGS BEFORE BUYING! Group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/4802119/A-G-A-G-ONLINE Welcome to the world of AGAG Online! What does AGAG stand for you ask? A good anime game of course! What class will you be? What will you do? The choice is endl-quite limited actually! To stay tuned on updates and be a part of the community, follow @SupernalNine (twitter.com/SupernalNine) Check the pinned tweet!

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  • [X]AI Fighters[BETA]

    Official group here: https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=4529938 [--JOIN THE DISC TO PARTICIPATE IN COMPETITIONS--] For PVP: https://www.roblox.com/games/3379339316/User-Duelers Actual game: https://www.roblox.com/games/3379337822/AI-Fighters

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  • [X]User Duelers[Beta]

    Roblox's best and most secure sword fighting dueling arena! You can only deal damage to people on the mats. sword fighting -- user duelers UD's swords are made to homage the original sword fighting, while serving a secure and fair experience with Roblox's best swords so far. Join Superion! https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=4529938 Actual game: https://www.roblox.com/games/3379339316/User-Duelers [--Building by Scroobius--]

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  • Battle of Draco [DEMO]

    Very unfinished! For now you can play around with some classes. A PVP fighting game based on the classic game Boss Fighting Stages! Welcome! "Masters" I have you joined today, so sit tight and watch until you join the fray. You're all diverse; split into factions, but I'm excited how you'll do when you get in the action. Well you think you can defeat me? Well if you say so. Now come! Test your skill at the Battle of Draco! -A Join this group! https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=4363863

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  • The Wraith[Alpha]

    'Retribution' update (remake) is in the making, check here! https://www.roblox.com/games/666592080/The-Wraith-Retribution Data here won't carry onto the revamped game.

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  • TDW2 Beta

    The Doom Wall 1 Takes Flight. https://www.roblox.com/games/455350872/TDW2-Burst Support the studio behind it here! https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1060034 Game made 4th August 2013 4:48:46 Beta Announced 9th May 2015

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  • BFS Beta

    The original BFS in all its glory!(hahaha) -Also your old levels won't have saved since it's a new place.

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  • [PWNED: InCrypt -REBORN-]

    Start date - 2/15/2016 Original game by Swordphin123: https://www.roblox.com/games/35537570/PWNED-InCrypt A fixed & improved version of the classic PWNED: InCrypt! PWNED 3 Is available here: https://www.roblox.com/games/563493615/

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  • Cloud Nine

    1. a state of perfect happiness (usually in the phrase on cloud nine).

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SupernalNine has no creations.