

  • race not done yet but its still not bad

    come innn.................

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  • Base Tycoon V1.0 read disc(better than before)

    i am very srry about the non working upgrades it will be fixed after some time max 1 day so plz be patent its a great a place of myine its like factory tycoon or sny other tycoons but this one is special it have alot on1 there is 3 kinds of bases. bases on pyramids. bunkers. and castles. also definding walls so behave fight be the ritchest and i am not afraid to ban anyoneand beware of the killbots in middle

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  • halo 3 [roblox campagin] everything fixed

    its a very cool game it has cool bases and shields and planes also the normaL halo wepons but myine its just not that coplicated and boring its simple small very fun also there is less hp for every person so it would be more fun also mountain blockers and other stuff like this and if u want a reall halo experiance go to my other halo place and no i am not a halo fan i just like halo couze its fun, i made it my self i only took mountains so dont pm and say i steall it, as alot of ppl wanted to be admins i made admins now with shirts also the planes places fixed now admins have ban hammer (have mercy admins) 2.the shirt price will go to 50 tax and 30 robux srry bout that u can find my shirt its named golden dragon HTML(http://www.roblox.com/Item.aspx?ID=1357562&UserAssetID=805212)so buy it now and move on to ur admin needs

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  • resident evil devils(return)

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  • RuneScape Roblox Style©

    hey if u like runescape this is a great place to see it it has reall lumbridge with all of runescape weopons and i added more helmets and new demon lvl 475 and skeletons lvl 1-22 and all runescape wepons ------dragon-zammorak-rune-steel-iron-black all of kinds, also coming turtoyals that give reall wepons have fun i am working on falador and varrok so plz wait for updates and i will make the city safe so u cant kill there and now everything fixed armours coming soon and if u passes the great demmon that has 10000000000 u will get a gold armour and god wepons so be quick but if u where good when i am in game i can telport u there also mining place and al kharid with varok and falador is coming soon as i said,also watch the battle bettwen saradoming and zamorak and tell me who u want to be and i will make u!!!! made by mrbader JAGEX©

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  • the hardest moon misssion 2

    build ur shelter to brotect u from moon rocks a very quick coming rocks be the legacy of the first roblixian fought to victory against the moon rules 1.dont delete other ppl stuf now with zombies and wepons only for zombies only so no more team kill also no lag at all ENJOY

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  • atlantis(devils throne)

    its a very huge war with non anchored bases but they regen and macihne rocket gun with energy sword and planes so if u want to get the dark light again u need to get to the basement of the light castle and retreve the throne to ur castle then u will be allies again so enjoy (mrbader) hope u DIE!!! LOL

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  • pirates of the carribean night of terror

    its one of my big projects so dont try to go nothing will be finished details:it will be big ship with conrol like cars also with guns attashet to ship and u can find tresure on islands also u can dive to dig using dig tool to find tresure so get ready couz this game is gona shake roblox.also if u find secret tresure under alot of bricks so be ready the pirates of the tresures be ready to have the best pirates expirance in ur all life the picture will show updates always

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  • thrillville stunts(cool new stunts READ DISC )

    a very big place for stunt lovers this place offers exploding stunts and plane stunts also imposible car throwl stunt there is also jumping stunts and a holy circle stunt there is a great selection of cars and if ant tool did not work just pm me i cant try my place sry couzzzzze i have FINALS :( enjoy the new cool update is out u stunt lovers this place willl rock u all i promise that and new working WATER RIDES and simi imposible 80 degree ramps with cool pimped cars and alot of more Adventures if u could do all stunts 100% and u send me pics i will make u admin here admins get the speed tool and teleport tool also the cool rocket that can empty the map in 10 shoots sooo enjoy and TRY ur hardness so make all stunts right

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  • soccer field (barchalona vs real madrid)..........

    its a great place u can dive, sprint now with reset tool and with more than 1 respawn point so behave and im not FRAID to ban anyone, now u soccer fans and soccer loavers....enjoy and for valentine i will delete all admin doors in all my rooms

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