
  • Hetalia World Roleplay (10%)

    Okay it does nothing to keep this a secret anymore. I'll say it... IT'S... AN HETALIA ROLEPLAYING PLACE! WOOO!!! (The titles said it first though) Titles: YEAH I SAID IT FIRST! Me: NO YOU DIDN'T! Titles: ARGHAHGEHG Me: Yeah that's right. Now continue to hold on as I'll update this place when I can.. c:

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  • (*-_ Random sonic rp _-*)

    This game has become very unpopular, deserted and/or everyone is just busy like I am.. ._. Well. Atleast we had fun times on here. Won't you agree? I cannot comment nor message nor do most of the things anymore so my alt will be my Messaging device. If you've got anything to tell me just send your PM to Akyme. After sending a final friend request to someone I just realized I didn't really need to keep this place Friends Only anymore.. It's kind of pointless since not many people come on here anyway. Besides. It's not like I won't do anything if somebody tells me there's something going on here. For everyone who sent me a friend request so they could play. You can always unfriend me. But I'm not sure if this game will stay public forever. Welcome to... Something. Yep.

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