
  • intekris tool place

    started off as popeyes biscuit simulator but ive decided to start coding strange tools here item asylum inspired me

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  • intekris weapon system

    in 2023 i made intekris gun system, a poorly done attempt at a functioning gun system with customizable features, taking inspiration from the greats like ACS, RCM and FE gun kit. in short, it did not go nearly as well as i believed it could, and this is an attempt, or what i would like to call an upgrade and complete revamp of the system i once had. i am attempting to make a universal item system similar to those seen in garrys mod and other open world games that allows for full developer freedom with as little coding as necessary for the average joe to make a small game. the problem? im not the sharpest tool in the shed and have a long way to go and many things to learn. this place is a test and demonstration which i will hopefully update until a finished beta is complete.

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  • (LEGACY) intekris gun system

    yeah man this is it the ultamitum im making my own gun system editors note: looks like that did not go well!

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  • escape from florida

    escape the land of old people and the everglades this game has been HEAVILY optimized since its original release in 2022 with the help of IDoLua (display name CantBeBothered), a guy whos like the messiah of the devforum to me now. shoutout to him!

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