
  • Squad

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  • Squad | (Unreleased)

    This game is not open, nor will it be for a while. Me and only a few people are working on this game whenever we have time. Now on to the actual description. Squad is a multiplayer game focused on making teamwork and communication necessary. Based off of real games and a bit of ingenuity, Squad aims to become the most realistic shooter on Roblox.

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  • The Trenches | (0.0.01)

    Welcome to World War One, the biggest conflict in the history of the world, with nearly 40 millions casualties in all. Play as either the Central or Entente Powers in this war game, in which the two teams will try and capture several points on the map. The capture points also award E. By the end of the game, whichever team has more E than the other, wins the match.

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thecatgoesmoodle has no creations.