
  • Fiery Caverns (In Constuction)

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  • Iamcj's Sonic builds

    Give me feedback! I was bored and Built sonic stuff. Official place of hanging out when i'm bored, well that or sandbox. If you see me or some of my friends in the sever, somethings may be different. Admin Lol. THE FRUITS ARE EVIIILL!!!!! They may fling/white screen you. Idk why, just roll with it, And while you're rolling with it,. might as well roll around at the speed of sound eh? Better follow your rainbow too, oh but you've got places too go. You can't stick around, can you, gotta keep moving on? (city escape lyrics ftw) Renamed: Originally "Sonic Stuff" (New Update) New Areas! -Went on a Solid Modeling Field trip with the ark... It doesn't look like much, but it took a while! -Built a Final Rush / Final Chase area around it now, check that out. -BAWX ISLAND! A brick with two boxes on it... Its near the Hero garden, just fly to it.

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  • Sword Fight wherever the heck i feel like building

    I was building for fun, and i was nice enough to let people destroy their enemies here. Sword fight wherever I wanted to build. From Highlands to a 3dsXl. - Added new Area! Some Icey Ice thing. It was going to just be a slate thing in the sky, but hen it sorta looked like ice. So now it is ice thing. Either way, it's there now.

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  • How the Emmys really happen. (murder game, lel)

    You could see the Comedy in this game, if only 3 people were here to play it with you. The amazing, stupendous murder game soon to overtake all other murder games!!!!!!!!1111 Find out what happens behind the scenes at the Emmys!!111 George Lucas and his Doritos buddies fight Nick Cage for the Emmy!!!11 The names of the characters where boring, so i gave them new ones, you have to ability to be: Bad of Doritos: you can't do anything, just watch everyone die. Nicholas Cage Banana Overlord: mad Overlord of the bananas, your mission is to be amazingly awesome and eat everyone's backpacks. George Lucas Utopia Peanut Farm: You have one mission: GET FUNKY, KEEP FUNKY, GET FUNKY YO HUSTLE HUSTLE. Most maps are freemodeled. Credit to creators, I made that mountainous one though. (this is just a joke, At the emmys, this does not happen, duh.)

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  • Free model land, Hub of weird old levels i made.

    Encase you liked them somehow.

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iamcj has no creations.