
  • d1_terminal_01 / e3_terminal (Roblox Remake)

    A Half-life 2 Beta map remade in Roblox. There's a few things that could definitely be changed or added in the near future, but as of right now it's a playable experience, more a map showcase. The map has also been expanded too, with my take on what an expanded version could have looked like. I'm updating the map here and there, so be sure to check back often for new updates. Patch v1.34

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  • The AI Obby!

    This Obby was heavily contributed by ChatGPT. This AI contributed towards the ideas for each stage, as well as scripts for the game, whereas I built the stages myself. This has been really interesting so far, I'll be sure to build more stages soon.

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akurnos has no creations.