
  • Mutsu Province - Date District

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  • Mutsu Province - Aomori District UNDER DEV

    Join Rusu Clan! - http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2600874 [District] Welcome to Aomori District. This land was granted to Rusu Clan, they fight, train and reside here. [Cities] -Takko [Raid Rules] At leasat 10 Idachi Clan members + Daimyo must be present for a legitimate win. You must capture and be holding all three flags at the same time in order to win. You must also declare a raid, we only accept raids by fellow RJ Clans. Random invaders cannot declare raids, only fight. We do not use admin such as give weapons or kill commands when invaders are present, however, as feudal lord of this land I reserve the right to kick any player who disrupts our trainings or is a solo invader with a negative K/D spread over 20.

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  • Mutsu Province - Yama District UNDER DEV

    Join Katakura Clan! - http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2600876 [District] Welcome to Yama District. This land was granted to Katakura Clan, they fight, train and reside here. [Cities] -Sendai [Raid Rules] At leasat 10 Idachi Clan members + Daimyo must be present for a legitimate win. You must capture and be holding all three flags at the same time in order to win. You must also declare a raid, we only accept raids by fellow RJ Clans. Random invaders cannot declare raids, only fight. We do not use admin such as give weapons or kill commands when invaders are present, however, as feudal lord of this land I reserve the right to kick any player who disrupts our trainings or is a solo invader with a negative K/D spread over 20.

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  • Mutsu Province - Kesen District

    Join Idachi Clan! - http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1125851 [District] Welcome to Kesen District. A secluded mountainous region for training purposes only. No invaders may attack here, any violators will be kicked. [Cities] -Sumita

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  • Mutsu Province - Adachi District

    Join Idachi Clan! - http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1125851 [District] Welcome to Adachi District. This District is for raids only, no training can take place here. [Raid Rules] At leasat 10 Idachi Clan members + Daimyo must be present for a legitimate win. You must capture and be holding all three flags at the same time in order to win. You must also declare a raid, we only accept raids by fellow RJ Clans. Random invaders will be kicked if an official raid is going on.

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  • Mutsu Province - Miyagi District

    Join Idachi Clan! - http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1125851 Join Katakura Clan! - http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2600876 Join Rusu Clan! - http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2600874 [District] Welcome to Miyagi District. This land is home to the Sendai Domain and is our central District for training all our men. [Cities] -Sendai

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