
  • Scuffed Multiplayer Minesweeper

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  • Scuffed Beginner's Minesweeper Clone

    As a new roblox developer(crigne) the first thing one must do is to steal and copy a whole game! That's how we do it. The game is permanently stuck on one difficulty. If you can't finish a game on intermediate, uh pester me to add the options. It is a 16x16 board with 50 mines. hard, yes yes. But, you now have a new tool! Every time you flag a cell, its adjacents will decrease! It tells you if you flagged too many and flagged too little. Just the right amount and you can start uncovering them. For now I haven't added a way to tell you or floodfill open(i think i shouldn't do this one, as it introduces logical errors in minesweeper.) an already safe mine. So uncovered cells that are next to a zero(blank) cell. The script is cringe and hard to read at the moment, so much coupling, functions thrown everywhere, logic bad and messy, flow of the program just generally a mess. mess.

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