
  • Farm Tycoon

    I don't know why this description was marked as [Content Deleted] but here's my old farming tycoon game I built using a tycoon kit whilst I was messing around. Enjoy!

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  • ☆ SkatePark Tycoon ☆ 2.9

    (This is my first functioning tycoon I found on my places, was created in 2010 when I was young and it's a big modified Free Model but it brings back some memories!) Welcome To ☆ SkatePark Tycoon ☆ Where You Can Buy, Skate And Chat With Your Friends! If ever you see a player enter with 1000000 cash, it's that they are admin! Dont call them cheaters and such, they are just epic! (Admin list: Bradnspike, Tropicalmango) This Tycoon Has A Total Of 6 Factorys! Tycoons 1, 2 Are Yellow! 3, 4 Are Red! And 5, 6 Are Blue! Epic Thanks To JrMorelos For The Decal!

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  • House Tycoon

    My original house tycoon! Only person who has a copy is some guy who stole it from my models when it was free, but there's a good chance he deleted it. Otherwise, this is my house tycoon! There is a total of 6 tycoons and a VIP room. Not much to do yet, but I will add a shop in the future. For now, enjoy having colored houses!

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  • Island Colony Tycoon

    Welcome to Island Colony Tycoon, I am still developing this game so please do not be harsh on the ratings! Please leave me some feedback in the comment section or in messages as I am always open for some new ideas. I'm an average scripter with decent knowledge and I've created this whole game in more less than a week so I can do anything with some will-power. Thank you for reading and playing! Version 0.39 I give credit to Scripth for Kohl's Admin Infinite, it is a great free model that I use to test out features in-game I highly recommend it!

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Bradnspike has no creations.