
  • AFK Until I Get 5k Donations!

    Top Donators: #1) flykid2024 - R$280 #2) Kjakatsuki_x1 - R$10 #3) callmemastercheef - R$5 Objective of the game: #1) Donate as much robux as you want. #2) Every time 1000 robux is donated, something fun will be added like a obby ect... #3)Have fun and donate if you want or just come in to chill and talk with friends if you just want to chill and don't really want to play games.

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  • First obby game (testing stage)

    Work in progress. It doesn't update what stage you are on yet. Also, it doesn't save your data so if you leave the game you will have to start over. Also to make this clear, this is not my creation!! Borrowed it from the toolbox models.

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flygod2004 has no creations.