
  • Reason 4 Life 2 The City...

    You And Your Team Must Continue Your Mission Within the City.... Based off of Left 4 Dead 2, Contamination, & Early 2010 story based zombie games Features: Filtering Enabled Support All Platform Support Recent Updates: - Added Voice Chat - Added VIP - Added Bloxiade

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  • Quarter House: Born Again [ ALPHA ]

    Weapons built by FGVCX ( Wizard ) Map, GUI, Animations & Scripting by Guap_Man 55/100% complete recent update: ah, i slowly been working on this game over time... it's literally already been 3 years. i'm still working on it i promise, just life and i have been on my hiatus. at one point in time i'd probably come back and do this game first than fight 4 survival once again.

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  • Devil Swarm [ Alpha ] V0.0.0


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  • Chainsaw Motor

    realistic depiction of whats going on inside of a chainsaw motor.

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    ⭐ 🧟Fight 4 Survival is a game that mainly is about fighting for survival basically, you're put into a map for 5 minutes and given basic objectives to scavenge for useful weapons and fight off the NPC Zombies. 🧟 💵 You earn 50 duckets for each round you escape in, this lets you buy temporary weapons in the shop! 💵 🧟You can also play as a zombie to end the rounds quicker! 🧟 🚧 Recent updates 🛠️ - Removed broken songs 🤫 Upcoming Updates 🤫 - The game is on halt as of right now. I am deciding on whether or not to redo the entire game. 🛠️Main Contributors 🛠️ - BonnieElectric ( Built Maps ) - pancakesbacen ( Built most of Maps ) - fgvcx ( Game Icons, Badge Icons, Weapon Models & Mutation Icons ) - RussianDivision (Russian Translation, Maps, Icon) I give credit to Daniel for letting me use his music in the game. Tags: Humans Vs. Zombies Zombies Vs. Humans Left 4 dead left 4 dead 2 left 4 survival survival the zombies

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  • Haus Der Toten

    Made in 2010 by 1ra, underrated and was ahead of its time for that year, along with it's own advanced pathfinding system. One of my personal favorites. Anyways, I fixed it. Have fun. Small fix: Reviving added to the game. To be done: Fix the box expect glitches, its a 10 year old game... lol. button inputs are changed from original g to throw grenade, e to buy stuff, v to knife, c to crouch, q to swap weapons.

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  • Strive to Survive the Disasters! ( Voice Enabled

    Strive to survive the disasters!!! I took inspiration from Natural Disaster Survival and Thrive to Survive the disasters!!! THIS GAME HAS SPATIAL VOICE CHAT ENABLED LOL!!!!! So you can talk to your friends while surviving the disasters!!!

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    UPDATE SOON, IT'S BEING WORKED ON! Welcome to ZOMBIES AT SCHOOL! Zombies are coming all around! This is a fix of an old game. With modern monetization methods to keep funding up for it. Zombie Types so far - Fast zombie Kami zombie Normal zombie Story: You and your friends get detention for the first time,and everything goes normal. Just old boring detention,but nobody knows where the teacher is. Then you get out and you and your friend hear a noise,your friend says "What was that?". You say it's nothing and carry on. Then your teacher who you couldn't find jumps out of nowhere and bites your friend. Zombies chase some of your friends into places they cant get out of. So you and some more friends break into a weapon shop a half mile down, steal some guns, and then fight the mob. Will you survive?

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  • 🏃RUN🏃

    🏃Welcome to R.U.N🏃 Simple, there are spheres located in your area, and they're eating up your hometown. Survive in 20+ maps in order to gain Duckets to aid your way into making more survivals.

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  • Under Renovation And Changes

    Building new game!

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  • Zombie Mansion

    This is a fix of an old game, with modern monetization practices to keep it funded and popular. Story - Heh, you thought ZOMBIES AT SCHOOL was enough? You were wrong. After surviving and killing all of the zombies at your local school. You run out of supplies and food. Your last resort is to get out of the school and search for food. You go through the woods only to find an mansion that still looks somewhat cleaned. While looking through the mansion a loud scream can be heard across the mansion by you and your friends, and zombies start pouring into the mansion. Can you survive? RECENT UPDATES: - Fixed trampolines. - Fixed Pistol Grip - Fixed broken leaf textures from being orange to it's original green color.

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Guap_Man has no creations.