
  • Ro-Bio: Meltdown

    Back Story: You are a part-time news investigator for the Bloxy Times. There was files leaked about some secret government facility with virus testing that used human subjects. The myth was debunked many years ago, but you haven't given up hope. After about 12 years of searching, you believe you have found the facility. Upon closing in on the facility, it appears that it has been abandoned for a while now. You don't tell anyone, as you don't want the risk someone else discovering the facility before you can write your article. The more you search through the facility, you feel an eerie presence watching you. Something seriously wrong must've happened here. --------------------------------------------------------------- (Credit to MemeNicoi for creating Ro Bio)

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  • ROBLOX History Obby

    [NOTE: if you keep spawning at the beginning, either rejoin or create a free private server to play the game and it should fix it] This obby is supposed to be fun and informative about some aspects of Roblox's past and should not amount to much of a challenge. Not all facts may be correct, but most are. Credit: GaryWants(Scripter), Roblox Wiki(Information) [Message me on Roblox any feedback you have or issues you may find]

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  • 💸Dollar Simulator

    Work In Progress

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  • [Broken]Capture the Point 2014

    Game broken by Roblox updates Won't ever be released to the public.

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InkHaste has no creations.