
  • It's A Zombie Apocalypse!! P1

    It was a dark night and you were out for a walk... You get a strange feeling somthing is about to go on, and then thunder comes out of nowhere... then somehow a tornado comes... you get startled that they're so close and decide to run to your house in the basement...You sleep there for the night wondering what was going on... after 6 hours you hear screaming and loud moaning... You wonder what it is and go outside for a look....you dont what they are but there are hundreds of weird human like creatures covered in blood... you begin to run and run, and run... you eventually find yourself in an alleyway and see somthing written on the wall saying, "head north towards the military outpost, it's the only place holding out for now... it seems safe!" so you decide to keep heading straight hoping it's north... heres the link for part 2 http://www.roblox.com/My/Item.aspx?ID=24570589... ADMIN VIP (only for Tk clan members)....I added destroyed Roads a few crashed cars (not mine) and the heli d

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  • It's A Zombie Apocalypse!!! P2

    It said it was going to hold out...It said it would be safe...It said there would be enough supplies to last a while...It was lying...You are running out of ammo for your uzi and pistol and thought about heading into the town ahead of you hoping theres gonna be more ammo and hopefully...some more people with a ride outta this...HELL...Can you make it? im made a third part too so yea dats da the finale!...or is it?? ^.^...this one is much, MUCH harder than the first especially in the very beginning... you can find out for yourself...heres the link for the first part http://www.roblox.com/My/Item.aspx?ID=2776996...I changed it so now no sprint (it made it easier with sprint which is wuz sumthing i didnt like) and now u have the pistol from P1... hek i even changed the building size and spots so now theres multiple ways to get in the town! ... ...Have fun!

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  • The Attack!!! Be a Zombie or Human...UC PLAYABLE

    its nearly done! i just need to finish the streets, fix the zombies attack, test it and its all good! i did take a few model houses and the heli otherwise its all mine brick-brick ^.^

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  • The TK Homeland!

    This is the HomeLand for the Tk's, Twin Killa, and well the base...To be a member you must either pm me about it OR comment saying you want to join... I have no requirments for joining but if I find out you are mean OR rude, without a good reason, and I mean good, you WILL automatically be kicked from the clan... Another important thing about us is WE NEVER START WARS WE END THEM...All MUST respect me, Dinozv, mikey225, and every other Tk member...i am remodeling the entire homeland and its gonna be different *of course*... so u will all have to wait till its finished

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  • It's A Zombie Apocalypse!! P3

    You got through the town alive so far... and it hasn't been easy... your jouney to survive isn't close to finishing yet but, theres a helicopter waiting for you on the other end of the forest said to head to a safe area... is it really safe? The forest is filled with Hunters and Zombies and there are a bunch behind you so you have two choices... Stay here and die? Or make a run for it... I replaced most zombies with hunters and deleted a few so theres like no lag at all...because of that as well this is NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE i barely got anywhere alone... heheh so can u?.....Good Luck You'll need it trust me! And Have Fun!!

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