
  • The Official Sith Brotherhood Library

    This is where the Sith Brotherhood goes to find out info on various subjects. Whether an enemy, an elder sith, planets, the Sith Code, basic force training, and Sith history. This library is located on Mustafar, the volcanic world in the Outer Rim territories. This library was built and restored by Shadow Lord Exile. Most Sith can find Shadow Lord Exile here, when he is not already doing something else. Shadow Lord Iron, Grand Sith Lord Siphus, Shadow Lord Fist, Shadow Lord Metal, Shadow Lord Hamro, Shadow Lord Melusar, and Shadow Lord Hunter have there own offices. Here you may look up information on the computers, read the stolen Jedi Holocrons with the Jedi Holocron Reader, do Sith Basic Force Training and Sith Advanced Force Training with the Training holocrons, learn information from the holograms upstairs and learn about each Shadow Lord by reading the holocrons located in each of their offices. There is a teleporter to The Sith Brotherhood Academy and Training Facility.

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