
  • Medieval War Of Destruction (Under Construction)

    Now I introduce the war of the ages. Robloxians can destroy the competing side............ with dangerous weapons like snipers and chainguns. I would probably add more weapons but in the mean time, enjoy the carnage!!

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  • Classic Roblox

    note: I am owner of this game before you do something stupid in this game i prefer thinking it over before you play this game. If you have question or want me to add anything (ANYTHING) just let me know and i will shurely add it for u. also telamon stole your gf/bf, and kiddnaped them becuz he say Oder is ugly, so i prefer you get your bf/gf right now. :3

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  • Knife battle

    There's a problem in this game. when u see that message this message (Player has wun) or (no one has won) don't tuch the keyboard until u spawn again

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  • This Is War! ( Read Desc)

    Guys this is currently in progress. Also please don't ask me how i do this, it's the billy Bob joe plug-ins from the catalog. Here is at least 2 Plug-ins i use. FPS MAKER, And My most favorite of all, TREE GENRATOR!!!!!!!

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  • Old Roblox 2006-2007

    You Get in Or you get out. Spread your hate somewhere else we don't care. We all love old roblox, For People Who hate old roblox, Again, SPREAD YOUR HATE SOMEWHERE ELSE. this is 2006-2007 version. Q: Why Did The Roblox Adminstrators Upgrade this game A: Probaly Because they suck Q: Do you Love Old Roblox A: Uhhh What Do you think Dummy, OF COURSE I DO R U STUPID. Q: Are you mad at me A: Your Face is Ugly Q: Do you want me to leave A: Yes Your face Disgusts me And your ugly, ugly, UGLY GET OUT OF MY FACE

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