
  • [ Broken ] Call of Robloxia 5 - Roblox at War

    This project has been sitting in the dust for a while. With recent roblox updates, the camera system, aiming, are completely messed up on poor coding techniques that were used in this game. We plan to remake it in the future. It will re-use the Phantom Forces framework while ensuring to preserve most of the unique gameplay elements in here.

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  • Zombies Test [ Halted ]

    Gun framework is heavily outdated. Will be working on this after a successful CSG update to the main CoR5.

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  • Call of Robloxia 5 - Classic Version [ ded ]

    This version has long been broken by roblox updates. Take it as whatever you want, but it has been permanently discontinued. The way the snipers are scripted here have been completely deprecated and were horribly organized in the first place. Fixing them would literally be the equivalent of remaking the game. And THAT, I already did by creating the current version of CoR5. There is no turning back.

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  • UCL Competitive Server [ Halted ]

    For upcoming UCL tournaments. _____________________ This place is not fully designed to handle tournaments yet as it is simply a duplicate of the current place. All scores are to be handled manually by whoever is present and trusted to be the referee.

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litozinnamon has no creations.