
  • Planetary Fall

    Game takes a while to load, please be patient. Planetary Fall has been remastered. We return the game for the nostalgic looking for the RP experience they loved before, and we hope to re-create that experience. We thank the builders for their contribution. They know who they are, and they know how grateful I, and the rest of the PF team are. Now, for those new here. PF 2 is a sci-fi post apoc game. We're discouraging use of package, and highly recommend not using it. Excessive OOC will not be tolerated, and you will be removed doing so. You can look up Planetary Fall on Google, and likely you'll find the forum. I know I did.

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  • Planetary Fall (Beta)

    Planetary Fall is a Sci-Fi Post Apocalyptic RP game. Forum:http://planetaryfall.enjin.com/forum/m/29944122 If you're here to not RP, and just want to jump around and critique the game: Just leave your shoddy opinion on the comments. I might look at it. If you look like a 3.0 or any other package: The rest of the community and I won't take you seriously. Most likely you'll get banned. Special thanks to trooperstorm, ToniiPepperonii and mp5KID for some of the buildings they made! Thank you to the new builders. Without them: We'd still have a poopy map. To do list: -Create Terrain Details (Forest, etc) -PPA has its love. We're done with PPA for the most part. -Create neutral territories -Union might one day get some attention. -VCPC Caverns is a WIP (Really need to do that. You're on the priority list)

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