
  • The Squad

    I've been places. Will continue to be. Here to have fun and stick the ride with people I've come to know and trust. 2016 - ??? "One day at a time. Or else you'll become so overwhelmed you'll never know the next day of happiness in your imminent life."

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  • Second to None

    2nd MARDIV, 44USMC "Second to None" A scene of the division members remaining in the final roster, 2nd MARDIV gained more members than the long running 1st MARDIV before being shutdown due to the constant fighting between divisions. We had gained over ninety, compared to the first's eighty. 2nd MARDIV was never around long enough to see a single major conflict within the MMC. We lasted three weeks, six days. Long live the mighty Second.

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  • Oh what's this? A discount Squad?

    Secondary place that I've had in storage for too freakin long

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  • What Once Was

    Passion project that is bad. Don't worry things are decently worthwhile, but it's not like The Squad, it's a little more sentimental. Buy my clothing btw. It feeds my children (More clothing).

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