
  • SS Erik Cassel

    A ship dedicated to the life and memory of Erik Cassel, as well as those who've been affected by cancer in any way, shape, or form. My first showcase, largely worked on from 2013-2016. It's done and old.

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  • SS Cabot II

    A showcase of the Cabot II, its namesake being the old ship from Survive a Sinking Ship. This critically-acclaimed (lol) sequel stars 50,000+ parts in a battle to fry your computer. Tread lightly if your computer uses fruit for its processing power. Built from 2015 - 2017 and 2018. Unfortunately, this will never be completed because this project was immensely draining for me. I get tired thinking about it and even by writing this descrowfgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhr hugs to As8D for feedback script Was paid access so that minimal income could be made. Thanks to JackMarrow, EthanTheCeo, JagRow, Awesome_RobloBoy, Mechception, ILOVETITANIC4559, HerkeFunasTheTrooper, alejandrom1210, SnipperPhil, majorbriggs2006, and FuzzBuzzAl54 for paying the access fee. Y'all haven't been forgotten :)

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  • the crown

    A showcase that's barely inspired by Fallout, but very inspired by various stages of the water cycle. Started in 2017 and again in 2018. Finished December 30th, 2018. Added feedback GUI! Big big thanks to As8D for the script cuz I can't code in LUA for my life lol. Plugins used: Animinus's Tree Generator Model Resize Plugin Bezier Path NPC Creator

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  • Statue of the Unfinished

    Do you ever do something, only to lose interest in it? This place won't fix that at all, but it's a product of it! This showcase uses assets from unfinished showcases to create a new one. Started May 25th, 2019 and finished August 4th, 2019. Has about 19,000 parts to it.

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  • leviathan's torch

    This showcase is a tikeman classic: Fog? Check. Something involving ocean navigation? Check. Terrain because I don't waste my time by building land part-by-part to flex on terrain users? Check. Forced humour aside, this showcase was inspired by my personal visit to Acadia National Park, where both days spent there were foggy (my luck). Started May 1st, 2019 and [never finished cuz idc anymore lol]. ~20,000 parts to it.

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  • Survive a Sinking Ship

    Title should say it all. I would update the lifeboats, but I'd rather do anything else. Well maybe not. I don't want to fight in WWE. Or travel to Florida. Or wrestle a crocodile in WWE match in the Everglades. Point still stands, though. i dig that feedback system from As8D that produces seratonin in my otherwise desolate brain

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tikeman has no creations.